Friday, December 11, 2009

Chilblains More Condition_symptoms What Causes Chilblains And How Do You Prevent Them.?

What causes chilblains and how do you prevent them.? - chilblains more condition_symptoms

This is an old wive story, weeing in frostbite!
Before the day of the central heating and if I had the feeling of warm gloves, socks, etc. In the past I have, but they never weeds!

It is estimated that about 1 in 10 people get in the UK chilblains at some stage in their lives. We do not know why some people chilblains when their skin is cold. It is probably due to poor blood circulation in the extremities (feet, fingers, etc.). The small blood vessels under the skin narrow (constrict) when the skin becomes cold. The blood supply to areas of skin can be very slow. In the new skin, it warms no leakage of fluid from the blood vessels in the tissues. In some regions, and that the inflammation and swelling leading to chilblains.

How to avoid it is to keep warm. The heat is prevention gold standard.
You can redistribute it if you want shoild frostbite this winter. Let us know if it works!


Gary said...

Chilblains are caused by cold injury in the skin, affecting mainly the fingers and toes. You may find that the smallest of frostbite.
You can not keep their hands and feet warm and dry, cold or very cold place.

Lee said...

Poor circulation appears to have had a couple of years, very painful. However, this may sound extreme, but the best when you wee your feet in them! Thinking horrible, but I think the quiet instantly.Stand in a bathroom and just not !!??!! rinse well, ha ha!.

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