Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How To Get Pokemon Yellow On Your I Touch How Do You Save Your Progress On Emulated Games On The Iphone/ipod Touch?

How do you save your progress on emulated games on the iphone/ipod touch? - how to get pokemon yellow on your i touch

Recently I discovered that I was able to jailbreak my iPhone and put emulated games .... Then I went through the steps, then download Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Silver "and" Final Fantasy VI on the device. Whenever I'm playing Pokemon Yellow, or Silver, and try to save the game, do not you do not save the file appears. I always start a new game. Can anyone help me solve this problem? If yes, thank you in advance.

PS - I asked this question in the cell phone, but not really much of an answer, so I thought that maybe one of the players you could give me an answer. Sorry if it is not allowed on Yahoo Answers, I have not come here too.


Twiggy said...

It's sorta like hacking Jailbreak? Perhaps that is because the phone games are not really real games. So you can not let you save the game.

Walkmo said...

must go to the emulator menu and click Save Current

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